Health & Safety.
At TCC, health and safety are always our top priority.
We take a rigorous, fact-based approach to mitigating the spread of illness. Please see our COVID Response Summary to learn more. Below are some highlights of our health and safety policies. See our Pandemic Response Plan for more detailed information.
- Face masks are optional for adults and children ages 2+ (subject to change based on PDPH policies and community transmission rates)
- Temperature checks are no longer required at the door. However, children must be fever-free for at least 24 hours, without the use of any fever-reducing medicines, in order to attend The Caring Center. Thermometers are available as needed.
- All staff and children wash hands with soap and water upon arrival, and frequently throughout the day
- Non-essential visitors (delivery persons, student teachers, tours, etc) may enter the building in accordance with TCC policies
- Classrooms are allowed to combine for certain activities (yoga, outside on the play yard, etc) unless there is a confirmed positive case of COVID in the cohort. If there is an exposure, any potentially impacted groups will be notified.
- HEPA air filtration units run continuously in all classrooms, break areas and conference rooms; filters are changed regularly
- Bathrooms, floors, high-traffic areas, and high-touch surfaces are cleaned and disinfected multiple times per day